For those of you who are new, we use this blog primarily as a reference for assignments. I'll also post announcements, helpful links, articles, and sometimes highlights from class. You can use the e-mail subscription window on the left side of the screen to have all the blog entries e-mailed to you as I add them.
I mentioned in class today that HBU has an honors college course on the Greeks and Romans, taught by Dr. Louis Markos, that is open to the community on Tuesdays from 4:20 - 5:45. I'm planning to attend as many as I can. Let me know if you're interested in coming along. You can click on the lecture schedule to the left of the screen. I've also posted a Youtube link to a freshman seminar given by Dr. Markos.
Here is your assignment for next Thursday:
- Complete an ANI chart (handout given in class). Include at least 10 items in the A column, 10 items in the N column, and try to get a few in the I column (no minimum on the I column). If you are a little unsure as to how to complete the ANI, watch the DVD lesson 1 invention video first.
- Watch the LTW DVD - all of lesson 1. There will be an invention section, an arrangement section, and an elocution section.
- Review Book I. If you have done your highlighting, it should be quick and easy to refresh your memory. If you haven't done your highlighting, or were unsure of the instructions before today, finish your highlighting this week. Ask yourself this key question ==> Why is this book called "A Fateful Heaven?" Do you notice any prophecies?
- Scan book II. Use the handout on highlighting as a reminder. You've done your general survey (our first scan of the whole book). Now you'll scan with pink (names/places) and green (structure). You can do the pink and green as separate scans or do them at the same time. Just don't try to follow the plot yet. Look up characters you don't know in the glossary. Use green for blocks of character speech/quotes (unless you've already used orange past book one). Remember to write the name of the character at the top of the quote.
- Read book II. Use your yellow highlighter to follow the flow of thought, mainly actions and events. Make notes with a pen/pencil in the margins to make it easier on yourself if its your turn to narrate.
- Be prepared to narrate any section in books 1 or 2