Saturday, December 7, 2013

Week 12

What a great fall semester we've had!  We topped it off this past week with an enriching discussion of ancient and Renaissance poetry selections.  We also finished up LTW lesson 4 with a new scheme - antithesis.  I expect to have work graded and assignment completion updates done by Monday evening (Lord willing).  I look forward to jumping into Shakespeare's The Tempest in the Spring.

Assignments to be completed over the break
  •  add one instance of antithesis to your lesson 4 essay
  • watch the second elocution video for lesson 4 on the DVD (antithesis)
  • complete the antithesis worksheet in your student guide, pages 59-62
  • read straight through The Tempest.  Don't worry about highlighting and don't worry if you get confused.  Just keep reading until you're finished.  If you can find a partner to read aloud with you, that would be ideal!
Info for Spring
  • You'll need the version of The Tempest linked to the picture on the right (except for Gray and Allison families - yours are in the mail to you).
  • Deposits and tuition (same as fall) are due by the first day of class (January 9, 2014).  If you need to make special payment arrangements, please contact me by e-mail. 
Class Christmas Party

We'll meet next Thursday, December 12 at our regular time to celebrate Christmas and the completion of our semester's work.  We'll watch the BBC's version of The Tempest from 1980 (click on picture to the right).

We'll also do a White Elephant gift exchange.  Each student should bring a gift (nothing pricy - can be new, used or homemade, nice or utterly useless).  The gift should have some connection with something we've read or discussed in class.  We'll play a guessing game to see who gets to "steal" the best gift :)

I'll provide drinks and snacks.

See you all Thursday!