As usual, highlight with yellow and pink as you read. Use orange to mark schemes and tropes when you notice them. If the highlighter bleeds through, feel free to use a pen to underline instead (the
Dover Edition pages are a little thin). You can put boxes around names instead of using pink, and use stars in the margin beside sections you would mark in blue.
For Frankenstein - after you read each chapter, go back to the beginning of that chapter and write a chapter title and a few key events to help you narrate.
- Aristotle for Everybody Chapter 16
- Jeckyll and Hyde: (Story of the Door, Search for Mr. Hyde)
- Frankenstein: Letters 1-5, chapters 1-5
- Authority: Expert worksheet (pages 191-194)
- Create an issue from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Make an ANI chart w/ 20 items in each column. Include 10 items from the topic of Authority (Witnesses, Experts, etc.) and mark those with a circled letter A.