Thursday, September 26, 2013

Week 5

Wow!  Are we 5 weeks in already?  You guys did a great job leading an interesting discussion with the questions you came up with.  Pretty soon you all won't need me much ;-)
Here are your assignments for next week.

  • Scan, highlight, and read The Aeneid Book 6. Be prepared to narrate the story.  As always, feel free to bring notes if you need them.
  • Find at least one blue. 
  • Find an instance of parallelism and mark it in orange.  It can be anywhere in books 1-6 of the Aeneid.


  • No DVDs this week


  • Complete the elocution worksheets on pages 19 – 24 of the student workbook.
  • Write the essay for lesson two from your most recent outline (the one from the template on page 18).  Refer to the model essay on page 24 as needed.  Write one sentence (and no more than one) for each sub proof.  That means each of your proof paragraphs should contain 4 sentences: one for the main proof, and one for each sub proof.  This is a bit different from the model on page 24.  
  • Write the proofs in your exposition in parallel form.
  • Use the checklist on page 212 to edit your essay.  Be sure to have a parent proofread it for you. 
A note of clarification on the checklist: The checklist asks that the main proofs and conclusion be written in parallel form as well as the exposition.  That means that whatever wording you use in the exposition to create your parallel structure needs to be used consistently throughout the essay.    Each main proof sentence should use the same grammar pattern as its counterpart in the exposition.  The wording of the summary in the conclusion should also exactly match your exposition except that it will not contain an enumeration.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Week 4

  • Scan, highlight, and read The Aeneid Book 5. Be prepared to narrate the story & bring notes if you need them.
  • Find at least one blue. 
  • Write an issue for book 5.  Use the 5 common topics to formulate 3 questions for class discussion.
  • Watch lesson 2 Elocution
  • Sort your ANI (the one with 20 items in each column).  FIRST read through the I column to see if any items can be moved to A or N.  Use the 2 sorted columns worksheets that I gave you in class to list your ANI points in their groups and create titles for your sorted groups (this worksheet is not in your student workbook).  Refer to the "Guide to Sorting" on pages 13-15 of your workbook if you need help remembering how to sort.   Use your sorted columns worksheet to complete Arrangement Worksheet B on pages 16-17.  Remember you should choose your thesis only AFTER you sort BOTH the A and N columns. After you finish Arrangement Worksheet B, use the template on page 18 to make your outline.  Do not write sentences on your outline.  You'll turn in the following 3 items for arrangement next Thursday: 2 sorted column worksheets (one for A and one for N), Arrangement Worksheet B, and your outline
Note: This week I marked all ANI charts 'A' during the break, even though some work from lesson one may still be incomplete. In this case, it made sense to make an exception to the regular progressive grading routine so the kids can get started on their sorting lesson this week. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Week 3

  • Scan, highlight, and read The Aeneid Book 4
  • Be prepared to narrate the story.  Bring notes if you need them!
  • Find at least one blue.  What catches your attention?  Does anything bring a scripture to mind? What virtues is Virgil promoting?  Are they consistent with Christian virtue? Are there characters that remind you of characters from other stories you have read or heard?
  • Write one question about Book 4 from each of the 5 common topics.  
  • No new DVD assignment
  • Complete an ANI with at least 20 things in each of the A, N, and I columns.  Use your 5 Topics of Invention handout. 
Symbols for assessment:
I used the following symbols to indicate progress for each student under his/her number.
  • A = accepted (assignment was completed correctly)
  • INC = incomplete (assignment needs correction and resubmission)
  • missing = assignment was due but has not been turned in
  • * = assignment was turned in, but can't be graded yet because work in a prior canon is either incomplete or missing.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Week 2

Important info for parents:

Writing Assessment:
I have come up with a plan for keeping you all up to date on where your student stands with the writing assignments.  Because each new assignment builds on the last, its important that each one is completed correctly (receives an 'A' for Accepted) before the student moves on to the next.  Since we don't have a site that allows me to give each of you a private log-in to view that information, I've assigned each student a number (they received those today). You'll be able to click on that number to see which assignments have been accepted and which have not.  Students will routinely submit new work on Thursdays at the beginning of class, but may resubmit incomplete work from previous classes via e-mail at any time during the week.  I will do my best to grade resubmissions promptly.

Its very important that parents track the completion of these assignments. Once behind, it can be difficult to catch up.  I highly recommend viewing the DVDs with your student so you can lend a hand when needed.   I'm also asking that parents please review their students' work each week before it is submitted.  Simple errors (mechanics, omissions, failure to follow instructions, etc.) should be brought to the student's attention and corrected before the work is submitted.  If I regularly receive papers with errors such as the ones mentioned above, assessment of that student's writing may need to be deferred to the parent since repeated unnecessary submissions can become very time consuming to evaluate.

  • Scan, highlight, and read The Aeneid Book 3
  • Be prepared to narrate the story.  Bring notes if you need them!
  • Lesson 2 Invention
  • Lesson 2 Arrangement
Writing: Rudimentary Persuasive Essay (RPE)
  • Arrangement A: Student worksheet page 4-5
  • Arrangement B: Outline according to pattern on page 6
  • Elocution: follow essay pattern on page 7.  Use the checklist on page 211.