Friday, March 14, 2014

Week 20

Summary of upcoming plans (subject to tweaking):

Its hard to believe we have just 4 more weeks of class.  We'll meet two more Thursdays in March (3/20 & 3/27), and the first week in April (4/3).  The second week in April I need to go back to North Carolina for a staff meeting.  We'll meet for our final class 4/17.

I plan to combine the Lesson 6 and 7 essays so that the students complete all the structural (arrangement) elements for the Complete Persuasive Essay this year.  Henceforth, they should be able to write a structurally complete persuasive essay for you on any issue in any area of study (science, history, literature, etc.) It would be advantageous to have them practice doing so between Easter and summer break.  If you are interested in ongoing assessment of your student's writing, please let me know and we can work out a cost per assignment for writing assessment.
There is a handy reference chart on pages 21 & 22 of the Teachers' Manual that shows the progression of LTW at a glance.  By the end of the semester we will have completed everything on page 21 of the chart.  From page 22 we will have completed Lesson 7 Arrangement, and Elocution lesson 7.  This chart is a great road map for you to see where your student is in the scope and sequence of Lost Tools Level 1.

Week 20 (completed): Invention lesson on differences in degree and kind
3/20 Week 21: Arrangement lesson on Refutation
3/27 Week 22: Arrangement lesson on Narrative
4/3 Week 23:  Elocution - combo lesson on Nominlaization 2, 3, & 4
4/17 Week 24: Finish nominalization lessons if needed. Final review and literature discussion.

This week's assignments


  • Read Aristotle for Everybody chapter 6.  Highlight main ideas in yellow.  Write key terms and helpful notes in the margins.
  • Continue your slow and thoughtful reading of the King of the Golden River, chapters 5 & 6. Highlight as you did last week.  Come to class with 5 character + action combinations that would make good essay issues.  Find one blue per chapter.
  • In preparation for reading Plato's Meno, interview 3 people (including at least one parent) regarding their ideas about virtue.  Ask them to define virtue and then respond to the questions Meno asks Socrates in the first line of the dialogue on page 59. Write down a summary of their responses to bring to class.
  • Choose an issue for The King of the Golden River and complete a 20-20-20 ANI Chart.  
  • Complete Worksheet 89 using one term from your issue and a second term of your choice.  Select 5 interesting things from your worksheet to put on your ANI chart.  Mark those 5 items on both the worksheet and your ANI in a way that will let me know which 5 you chose.

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