Writing assignment:
Note: You will create
and ANI chart for each essay we write this year. You can 1) make a copy of the chart on page 3
of the workbook, 2) email me and I’ll send you a printable version, 3) create your own.
This week, start a new ANI chart with a new issue.
Use any myth we have read, except the one you used for your
last essay.
Write all A and N points you can think of easily.
Next, write three
sets of comparison questions using the forms given at the top of page
9. Here is an example of one set of comparison questions.
*How Is X similar to Y?
(Example: How is Penelope similar to Clytemnestra?)
*How is X different from Y?
(Example: How is Penelope different from Clytemnestra?)
Issue: Whether Penelope
should have unwoven the shroud… (“terms” of the issue
are underlined)
X term = Penelope (term in the issue)
Y term = Clytemnestra (term outside the issue)
Use a term in your issue for X. Use anything you want to compare to X for the
Y term. Be sure you compare nouns to
nouns, and verbs to verbs. If you choose
a character for X, it is often helpful to compare with another character in the
same story or another myth you remember.
When you are finished, you should have a total of 6 questions, three
similarity questions and three difference questions.
Write at least one answer to each question. Then go through your answers one by one,
decide whether it argues for the A or N side of your issue, then write it in
the appropriate column. If an answer
does not argue for A or N, then write it in the I column. EVERY ANSWER TO EVERY QUESTION GOES ON YOUR
You want to get as much information on your ANI chart as
Reading assignment:
The Odyssey: Books
7 & 8
Book 7 narration sections
Book 8 narration sections
Read pages 189 – 202
Narrate the story of Arachne and the story of
Read pages 34-47
Narrate the story of Arachne and the story of Niobe
Narrate the story of Arachne and the story of Niobe
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