Thursday, January 28, 2016

Week 4

This week we're starting a new essay.  Choose a new issue from The Odyssey.  We have added two new invention tools to your toolbox, Definition and Circumstance.  You should be able to fill your I column relatively easily with these new questions.

Writing Assignment

*I've broken your invention work into 5 days.  Please do this progressively throughout the week rather than trying to whip out 60 ANI points on Wednesday.  Breaking this assignment into smaller tasks will help you develop your skills more effectively than a marathon work session at the end of the week.  Your mind will start working on the issue, even when you're not doing your homework.  Try it!

Day 1 – Write your issue and "mind dump" on your ANI

Day 2 – Do invention worksheets (Definition pp.  51-52 & Circumstance p. 65)

Day 3 – Translate information from your worksheets into ANI points and add to your ANI.  Every bit of information from the worksheet can go on the chart.  If its not something that can go in A or N, put it in I.

Day 4 – Compare members of the group you chose on your definition sheet with your term and put in I.  Refer to Comparison worksheets on 23 & 35 for a refresher on how to use comparison questions.

Day 5 – Finish your ANI chart (20 numbered items in each column)

Reading Assignment

Books 19-20

Keep looking for blues to contribute for discussion.  If your narrations didn't go as smoothly as you would have liked today (a few of you are struggling lately) make more notes in the margins to help you through it.  In these last few books of The Odyssey be especially on the look out for passages that describe situations similar to those the Gospels (we could call them "Christological shadows").  We found quite a few shadows today.  Here are a few...

*Odysseus comes to Ithica in a humble and generally secretive manner dressed in beggar's rags - Christ is born in a humble stable, wrapped in swaddling rags.  Only Telemechus is aware that the King of Ithica has returned.  Similarly, few people are aware of the arrival of the Creator of the Universe amidst his creation.

*Odysseus is recognized by his dog Argos who has been hanging on to life awaiting the salvation of Ithica - Simeon holds the infant Jesus and prays, "Now dismiss your servant in peace for mine eyes have seen your salvation."

*Odysseus judges the suitors for their lack of charity and hospitality - Jesus sorts the sheep from the goats using the same criteria in Matthew 25: 31-46.

There are more!

 - How does Odysseus react when people recognize him?
 - How does the general treatment of the suitors toward Odysseus compare to the treatment Jesus received at his trial?
 - How does Odysseus handle verbal and physical abuse?

Narration sections
Book 19

  • 1-101
  • 102-202
  • 203-307
  • 308-385
  • 386-507
  • 508-end
Book 20
  • 1-91
  • 92-184
  • 185-278
  • 279-end

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