Friday, March 15, 2013

March 14

  • Read chapters 1-8 of Liber three in The Once and Future King
  • Highlight/underline key words and phrases to help you recall the flow of thought
  • be prepared to narrate any chapter
  • find at least one blue for each chapter 
 Change for next week
  • Since I will be out of town next Thursday, Mrs. Simcox will lead our discussion.
If you have blues from Book 2 chapters 1-10 that you didn't have an opportunity to mention in class, please feel free to share them with us here in the comment box below.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

March 7

There is no new reading assignment for this week.  Be sure you have all your chapter titles and are ready to complete narrations for book 2.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Wisdom lifts up her voice

Compare Virgil's explanation to Dante regarding the sinfulness of usury to Pa Moody's instruction to little Ralph regarding the two kinds of men in this world in Little Britches:

Virgil to Dante:
By Art and Nature, if thou well recall
How Genesis begins, man ought to get
His bread, and make prosperity for all.

But the urserer contrives a third way yet,
And in herself and in her follower, Art,
Scorns nature, for his hope is elsewhere set.

 -->Pa to Ralph:
"There are only two kinds of men in this world; Honest men and dishonest men. Some men work almost entirely with their brains; some almost entirely with their hands; though most of us have to use both. But we all fall into one of the two classes - honest and dishonest. Any man who says the world owes him a living is dishonest. The same God that made you and me made this earth. And He planned it so that it would yield every single thing that the people on it need. But he was careful to plan it so that it would yield up its wealth in exchange for the labor of man. Any man who tries to share in that wealth without contributing the work of his brain or his hands is dishonest." 

Whether spoken by a medieval Italian poet or a seasoned rancher, "wisdom lifts up her voice in the streets."  Proverbs 1:20

February 28

Assignment for next week 
  • Read cantos 10 and 11 in The Inferno on your own.  We will read canto 13 aloud next week so be ready with your paraphrase.
  • Finish reading book 2 of The Once and Future King
  • Read the blog notes on the left hand side of our blog home page.  Click on the pictures to access them.
  • & The all the usual :-) Highlight/underline the flow of thought
    Find something to mark in blue for EACH CHAPTER
    Write a title for each chapter
    Be prepared to narrate ANY chapter