Saturday, January 24, 2015

Week 3

Thank you all for your patience as this post is on the late side.  We had an "incident" yesterday with Jackie.  Not perceiving the relative size difference between herself and a lab and boxer walking near our house, she decided it would be fun to harass the pair.  She did not fare well in the encounter and suffered many severe lacerations.  Thanks to Dr. D (our super-hero vet, who has saved her neck before) she is going to pull through.  She will now serve as a living illustration for our monster novels.  Frankendog!

Here are your assignments for next week:

  • Complete the Story Sequence chart for Rime of the Ancient Mariner
  •  Transfer 10 points to your ANI chart and mark them so I know which ones came from this week's invention
  • Romans 7
  • Section 2 of the Monster-mester schedule (click on the monster pic to the right to see details)

Friday, January 16, 2015

Week 2 - Spring

As usual, highlight with yellow and pink as you read.  Use orange to mark schemes and tropes when you notice them.  If the highlighter bleeds through, feel free to use a pen to underline instead (the Dover Edition pages are a little thin).  You can put boxes around names instead of using pink, and use stars in the margin beside sections you would mark in blue.
For Frankenstein - after you read each chapter, go back to the beginning of that chapter and write a chapter title and a few key events to help you narrate.

  • Aristotle for Everybody Chapter 16
  • Jeckyll and Hyde: (Story of the Door, Search for Mr. Hyde)
  • Frankenstein: Letters 1-5, chapters 1-5
  • Authority: Expert worksheet (pages 191-194)
  • Create an issue from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.  Make an ANI chart w/ 20 items in each column.  Include 10 items from the topic of Authority (Witnesses, Experts, etc.) and mark those with a circled letter A.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Week 1 - Spring

It was so great to see you all today!  Here are the assignments for next week.


Read the Rime of the Ancient Mariner AT LEAST TWICE!  Use pink for characters and orange for schemes and tropes you recognize. Write a short summary for each section on your second read through.

Complete the invention worksheet on pages 171-173 of your student workbook.